Advocacy & Education
At Girls Inc., both our programming and advocacy focus on helping girls become healthy, educated, and independent; we inspire all girls to be strong, smart, and bold.

Our direct service and advocacy work are linked, and each fuels the other.
At Girls Inc. of San Antonio, we are committed to a girl-centered advocacy approach that is grounded in the experiences of the girls we serve. We lift up girls’ voices and give them opportunities to advocate on issues that matter to them, in their communities and beyond, and encourage them to be civically engaged.
Advocacy Resources
National Policy and Advocacy Platform
We drive policies and practices that open doors to girls and ensure equality. We engage in advocacy that focuses on the needs of girls from low-income communities and girls facing challenges such as those based on sex, race, religion, ethnicity, immigration status, disability, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

Equitable Access to Education
Every girl should have equal opportunity to succeed, and the discrimination that girls face due to the intersection of their race and gender can negatively impact their academic achievement, self-esteem, and overall wellbeing. Unfair school discipline policies and practices disproportionately harm girls of color, girls with disabilities, and LGBTQ youth and push them out of school. Girls Inc. advocates to:
- Reform school discipline policies and practices.
- Increase access to postsecondary education.
- Improve access for girls and other underrepresented groups to meaningful opportunities to pursue all career paths, including in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
- Increase funding for out-of-school learning and mentoring opportunities

Future Ready Bexar County
By 2030, we will increase postsecondary enrollment of Bexar County High School graduates in a degree or credential program to 70%. Girls Inc. of San Antonio is a proud community partner in the plan.

Civic Engagement and Voting Rights
A democracy is stronger when more voices are heard and everyone is engaged. Girls Inc. prepares girls to be civically engaged members of society and we encourage all eligible voters to participate in our democracy. Girls Inc. advocates to:
- Promote high quality, sustained civic education in schools, for grades K-12.
- Support free and fair elections.
- Promote policies that make it easier for people to register to vote.
- Protect the rights of communities that have historically been excluded from freely voting.

Girls have the Right to be Safe in the World
Girls deserve access to the knowledge and support necessary to take ownership of their sexual health and make decisions to help them lead fulfilling, safe, and healthy lives. Their bodily autonomy is critical to their dignity as human beings and their right to be safe in the world. Girls Inc. advocates for policies that:

Mental Health and Wellness
Girls tell us that natural disasters, COVID-19, economic instability, racial injustice, social unrest, immigration raids, and increases in hate crimes and discrimination have contributed to trauma and mental health concerns. Mental health is as important as physical health and there should be no shame associated with needing help, yet girls report that there is still a stigma associated with seeking support. Girls Inc. advocates to:
- Increase access to mental health and wellness support for students in underserved communities.
- Combat the persistent stigma surrounding mental health issues and treatment.

Mental Health and Wellness
Nothing is more Powerful than when girls speak up for themselves. Girls Inc. of San Antonio is committed to stand beside girls in amplifying pro-girl issues, guided by their leadership and giving girls a formal voice in shaping their community.