Mia Cruz
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Mia Cruz

My name is Mia Cruz, and I am a junior at the Young Women’s Leadership Academy.

When I was in second grade, my mom enrolled me in the Girls Inc. after-school program because she had heard so much about its impact and wanted me to be surrounded by strong women. I grew up in the after-school program at Bonham Academy, where I made so many special connections—not only with girls who are still my friends to this day but also with my amazing mentors. I remember skipping our “reading time” just to hang out with Ms. Lea and Ms. Sherry.

Girls Inc. taught me early on that being strong means more than just physical strength. I’ve learned this through my personal relationships and through the sports I’ve been a part of. Building mental strength has been one of the hardest lessons I’ve learned, and it definitely has its ups and downs. If you had told me a month ago that I’d be standing here talking about being mentally strong, I wouldn’t have believed you—I would have told you I wasn’t strong at all. But I’ve come to realize that being strong isn’t about never struggling; it’s about how you acknowledge those struggles and move forward from them. Girls Inc. has always reminded me that I am strong and that I have the power to overcome any challenge.

Girls Inc. is known for teaching girls how to be “strong, smart, and bold,” but what doesn’t get talked about enough is the sense of community and support they provide. I’ve never been part of another program that truly cares so much about its girls, always willing to support us and stand up for us no matter what. Girls Inc. isn’t just an organization—it’s a family. From the moment I joined, they took me in as one of their own and have been there for me ever since.

At a young age, I experienced my parents’ divorce, and I honestly don’t know where I’d be now without my Girls Inc. mentors. Thank you, Ms. Sherry and Ms. Lea, for always being there for me.

Now that I’m a junior, my future is starting to feel very real—but I feel so optimistic about what’s ahead. My dream is to attend Stanford University and pursue a degree in Computer Science. When I think about how far I’ve come, I know that Girls Inc. has played a huge role in helping me believe that anything is possible if I stay strong, smart, and bold.